Day: April 15, 2016

Rhubarb Crowns!



Finally! There is hope for spring! Today the air was soft and warm again and I scampered outside to assess the progress of my garden before work and noticed that all the rhubarb crowns (I love calling them this) are pushing through the frozen ground, stretching up their tiny garnet arms and tightly compressed buds for anyone who cares to see them.  (I always think of ‘Little Shop of Horrors’ and Audrey II  when I first see these …)

But this is the first genuine sign of spring and I am greatly heartened.

I understand (well actually, I don’t really understand ) but I hear, that there are those who are completely indifferent to rhubarb but to me, it’s a delicious taste that is easily overlooked and available for such a short season;  and the colour alone! That clear, deep, jeweled pink unlike no other,  is so beautiful, particularly when combined with strawberries.

And, speaking of strawberries, I have seen many confirmed rhubarb-haters change their minds rather quickly over a piece of lattice-topped rhubarb-strawberry pie with a scoop of ginger infused ice-cream or some English custard. (Or both, let’s be honest here!)

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